For the University Medical Center Utrecht, we developed a VR course for working with cell cultures in a laboratory. The Virtual Reality experience allows students to practice sterile working before entering the real lab. In VR they can learn the correct procedures, but also recognize situations by making mistakes and prevent them later. An advantage is that errors can be detected automatically, followed by appropriate feedback. No mentor is needed to monitor them during the exercise like in a real lab. The experience will also record data to help monitor the effectiveness of the application. The application was made to run on a standalone VR platform, in this case the Pico 3.
Collaborating with ImproVive was a great experience. ImproVive is able to provide solutions and design suggestions by absorbing the necessary in depth knowledge related to this domain., When after testing some parts need further adjustments , ImproVive is open for feedback and finds solutions within the technical limitations of the platform. ImproVive also supported us on technical and organisational questions related to their expertise.
Danza Onvlee, UMC Utrecht
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