A Virtual Reality Play Environment can offer new possibilities to apply the Principles of Psychomotor Therapy (PMT). Together with the HAN Applied University we will investigate if the core elements of PMT can be applied in a Virtual Reality Play Environment. The research will identify what are the necessary conditions and workflow needed by the therapist, and what toolkit should be provided to make the therapy successful. The results should help PMT therapists identify the opportunities for a VR therapy environment.
The below video shows you some first impressions, but currently it does not have an English version.
A key element is the multi-player environment with full-body avatars, allowing for non-verbal communication. The therapist can share this space with the client so he can observe and provide interventions. The possibilities to use it for group therapy, where it is normally not possible because of aggression, security or organizational concerns, will be part of the research.
This project is made possible by a contribution of the DGA Fieldlab. The DGA Gaming Fieldlab is a collaboration between Dutch Games Association, Open University and the RAGE Foundation, and is supported by CLICKNL. Learn more via fieldlab.dutchgamesassociation.nl. or here